"Gestalt 1+2" Educational Program

The "LP Psychological Training and Counseling Center" and the "Moscow Institute of Gestalt Therapy" have joined forces to introduce Armenia's inaugural "Gestalt 1+2" educational program. The primary objective is to cultivate proficient Gestalt therapists. This program was initiated in 2021 and comprises two distinct educational cohorts: the first commenced their studies in January 2021, while the second group began in October of the same year.

Currently, the program has attracted over 40 participants.

The "GESTALT 1+2" educational program is designed for psychologists and professions in related fields.

A minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 people can participate in the "Gestalt 1+2" educational program.

The "GESTALT 1+2" educational program will help you:

  • Get the qualification of "Gestalt therapist"
  • Expand psychological practical knowledge
  • Record personal growth.

This program aligns with Western standards of Gestalt Therapy and fulfills the majority of the hours required by the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT).

The program consists of:

Professional Training (680 hours):

  • 375 hours of thematic group sessions within the program.
  • 160 hours of intensive workshops.
  • 40 hours dedicated to conference participation.
  • 105 hours of lectures and seminars.

Therapeutic Practices (180 hours):

Supervisions (160 hours):

  • 100 hours in regular supervision groups.
  • 25 hours in intensive supervision groups.
  • 25 hours in additional intensive supervision groups.
  • 10 hours of individual supervision, covering 220 hours of practice (5 hours for those starting the program before 2022).

Individual Therapy (250 hours):

  • 60 hours of individual therapy with one of our recommended Gestalt therapists.
  • 100 hours of group therapy within the program.
  • 60 hours of small therapeutic group sessions.
  • 30 hours of therapy during intensive workshops.
  • 3.5 years of study
  • Three-day intensive courses are held every two months, conducted by internationally qualified Russian specialists.
  • Practical work within group members, in trios, during the entire study period.
  • Thesis at the end of the study.

After the successful completion of the educational program, a GESTALT THERAPIST CERTIFICATE is issued, which indicates the main topics of the program and the number of hours required. It is given by "The Moscow Institute of Gestalt."

Schedule of Trainings

Group 1 - Schedule
Topic 8 - Psychosomatic disorders in Gestalt therapy
  • September 15-17 | Lecturer - Oleg Nemirinsky
Topic 9 - Psychology and psychotherapy of addictive behavior.
  • November 10-12 | Lecturer - Tatiana Prokhorova
Topic 10 - Psychological assistance for affective and psychotic disorders.
  • January 19-21 | Lecturer - Olga Poddubnaya
Therapeutic group
  • March 1-3 | Lecturer - Yuliya Shakovets
Topic 11 - Therapeutic relationship. Psychoanalysis and Gestalt therapy.
  • May 31 - June 2 | Lecturer - Tatiana Prokhorova
Group 2 - Schedule
Topic 5 - Relationship of Gestalt therapy with other psychotherapeutic approaches. Strategy and tactics of therapeutic work.
  • September 29 - October 1 | Lecturer - Laura Petrosyan
Topic 6 - Bodily process in Gestalt therapy.
  • December 1-3 | Lecturer - Oleg Nemirinsky
Topic 7 - Principles of clinical application of Gestalt therapy. Working with neurotic disorders.
  • February 2-4 | Lecturer - Yulia Shakovets
Topic 8 - Gestalt therapy of psychosomatic disorders.
  • March 29-31 | Lecturer - Oleg Nemirinsky
Topic 9 - Psychology and psychotherapy of addictive behavior.
  • May 24-26 | Lecturer - Roman Gerasimov

July - August (Tuesday and Thursday)

Participants' opinions



Clinical psychologist

I started to learn to pay attention to my emotions and accept them, to separate thoughts and emotions, and to realize and accept my needs.


Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

With the help of Gestalt, the boundaries of a person's consciousness are expanded, which allows one to live and feel more than to be an observer. You learn to understand and accept things and phenomena in all their diversity.

Սոնա Պողոսյան
Դիանա Սուքիասյան


Family Psychologist

You are entering a field where there can be intense emotions, disappointments, and many realizations. Be ready for change and personal growth.


Psychologist, psychotherapist

Gestalt is about life, simple, uncomplicated, with few theoretical and many practical methods, where the psychotherapist has the opportunity to maneuver according to the characteristics of the visitor.

Արմինե Քոչարյան


Lecturer, Researcher, Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of YSU

There are always influences on a person's professional qualities during development. I am impressed by the professional approaches and skills of the trainers. I observe their behavior a lot, which is disturbing when fully involved in the group, but it helps to self-evaluate one's own achievements.


Psychologist, psychotherapist

In Gestalt, you not only gain knowledge and skills but also find yourself in another world, the world where you always dreamed of being. That world is you and the reality around you.

Էլվիրա Տեր-Ստեփանյան
Վանանե Միրզոյան


Psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, lecturer of Vanadzor State University, head of the Vanadzor branch of "AYG" psychological services center

"Gestalt 1+2" affects both personal development and quality of life. It provides professional growth, improves the skills needed to work with visitors, and gradually becomes a transformative lifestyle.


Family System Therapist, Clinical Psychologist

The knowledge gained in Gestalt is very practical and cannot be read in books. It can and should only be lived, realized, and included as an experience.



Child Psychotherapist

Gestalt allows us to develop our professional qualities through changes in our psyche, learning not to harm each other, to be in a group, and to observe group dynamics. We learn to be here and now...


Educational psychologist, child psychotherapist

As a result of any therapeutic work with the Gestalt approach, when you reach a new level of self-awareness, you allow yourself to live and feel what was repressed long ago, you accept yourself, all the successes that happened in life and with the experience of unsuccessful cases, you slowly accept others and their decisions, you grow.

Հասմիկ Մարտիրյան
Նարինե Մովսիսյան


Psychologist, psychomotor specialist

Participation in the "Gestalt 1+2" educational program also has a positive effect on my personality and lifestyle, in which my feelings and behavior become more conscious. If I compare it, it is similar to breathing calmly, deeply, and freely after a smoke. I'm on that way.


Psychologist, psychotherapist

I cannot deny the role of the "Gestalt 1+2" program in my personal development. During the meetings, regardless of my will, I asked myself many questions and received answers; sometimes, I received an answer without asking a question.

Հասմիկ Ղումաշյան


Economist, financier

Gestalt is a process that makes it possible for the visitor-therapist to reach deep problems through direct contact in the formed "field", to jointly feel and realize what is happening.